Thursday, December 4, 2008

Preston Initiative Wins European Award

A Preston-based partnership between the police and the Community Gateway Association recently won the top award at the European Crime Prevention Awards in Paris.

MOPPIN up Dodge, a joint Lancashire Police and Community Gateway Association initiative which focused on the Farringdon Estate in Preston, was awarded €20,000 by the EU Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN).

The area, which had suffered from crime, anti-social behaviour, drugs and related problems, has undergone a transformation under the eyes of Police Officers PC Gary Salisbury and PS Dave Johnson, and Sue Roach, Community Safety Manager at Gateway

Improving the lives of ordinary people

Chief Inspector Nikki Evans said: "This partnership initiative is indicative of work ongoing by Neighbourhood Policing Teams across the city of Preston. Our aim is to improve the lives of ordinary people and I am pleased to see that the work done here by our officers and Community Gateway has been recognised at an international level. This is just one example of the hard work and commitment our Neighbourhood Policing Teams demonstrate each and every day in their efforts to improve local peoples lives."

Great success for the people

Sue Roach of Community Gateway said: "Working in partnership with both Lancashire police and other local agencies, this project has seen us achieve great success for the people of this once troubled area. To win this award for the UK is a great honour. The projects success lies in how we have worked together with residents and the wider community. With our partners we have targeted persistent offenders and the results have been seen in the courage and the strength of the people involved to stand up to make their lives better."

A proud day

Mayor of Preston Councillor John Swindells said: "This is a proud day for Preston and the residents on the Farringdon Estate. In terms of what the competition judges were looking for this project ticked all the boxes, the rigorous approach to analysing the problem, the partnership with the police and the success of the project in both qualitative and quantitative terms."

Former President of France Valery Giscard D'Estaing presented the award to representatives from Lancashire Police and Gateway together with Mayor of Preston Councillor John Swindells.


The EUCPN was set up in May 2001 by an EU Council Decision to promote crime prevention activity across the European Union. It identifies good practice in crime prevention, and shares this knowledge across the Union through seminars and conferences.

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